Discover Your Next Favorite Artist - Served Hard.

Fresh Scoops is an artist discovery platform full of continually updated artist profiles that give you all of the need-to-know information about up-and-coming hip-hop & R&B artists.

Want to get you or your favorite artist featured on Fresh Scoops?

Fill out the form here or email the following information to

- Real name and alias

- Age

- Pronouns

- Location (where the artist is from and where they live currently)

- A high-quality, straight-on headshot along with proper photo credits

- Links to the artist’s social media accounts

- Links to the artist’s music

- Influences

-Artist’s description of their sound

-How the artist got into music and at what age

- Any information regarding upcoming releases, interesting features, song placements, etc.

- Links to any interviews and/or interesting articles about the artist

- Any other relevant information

More detailed responses will increase the chances of a feature.

Submission does not guarantee a feature.



